
Apr 14, 20216 min read
Cinder's Journey: Recovering From Metacarpal Fractures, Weeks 8-13
You can catch up on the previous 8 weeks here. PSA ***there are some "graphic" images in the second section so skip that one if wounds...

Mar 15, 20218 min read
Cinder's Journey: Recovering From Metacarpal Fractures, Weeks 4-8
Post diagnosis, the first few weeks went by without incident (read about weeks 0-4 here). Our weekly splint changes were stressful for...

Mar 6, 20216 min read
Cinder's Journey: Recovering From Metacarpal Fractures, Weeks 0-3
When we first learned that Cinder's paw was fractured, I immediately took to Google. A consummate worrier, I just needed to research...